A wedding I never blogged! It was so sunny and fairly warm that day. The onset of the crisp fall air was upon us. Not that I want to go back there, as I am ready for spring flowers, but it would be nice to be in the 50's!! This snow stuff is for the birds =)
Little Abby was so funny. She would run around with the other kids saying,
"This is MY wedding!!" Oh dear, wait 20 more years!
While they make mer nervous because you NEVER know what PA weather will bring,
they are so beautiful.
Making friends with Bambi!
Playing Ribbon dancer with the aisle runner of course!
First kiss as husband and wifey =)
Oh Miss Abby again! While she REFUSED to walk down the aisle and drop the leaves, upon ceremony completion she thought it was a great time to throw it up in the air like confetti.
I love kids!
Love this!
This was the first wedding I photographed pregnant, not knowing of course. =) By the end of the day I couldn't figure out why I was so exhausted, more so than usual. Figured it out a week later! It was kind of ironic because their wedding receoption dance floor was filled with the 10 and under crowd! It was hysterical. So many kids still in diapers, dancing away. I have never been to a wedding with so many small children. And it was a blast!
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