I can't believe my baby brother is a SENIOR! My oh my! How the time flies! Feels like yesterday I was doing all the fun senior stuff!
If this cute orange Morris Minor looks fromiliar...that's because it should!
Alvin gave us permission to do another photo shoot.
The first time was his wedding to my Aunt Lynn.
You can see that post here:
Alvin buys them at the junk yard (a total piece of junk!) and makes them look like this!
What a fun and rewarding hobby! Pretty sure Jeremy was in heaven :)
This is one of my favorites!
My Aunt Lynn watching from the porch: "Ooo! Action shot!"
Haha, priceless!

Looks like a GMC of some kind.
I do know that it was older than Jeremy and I combined!
I got looked at twice when I told him to pose by the truck.
Another fave!
It's REALLY tough on the eyes in black and white :)

We got lucky and they had the goal post pads up!
So does my 12 year old sister. She is also taller than me.
Not fair!
Enjoy your senior year to the fullest! It goes by so quickly and these are memories that you will have for the rest of your life. Even that kid that you just can't stand and want to tell him to shove a sock in it, you'll miss him too (but not as much as your best friends!) And YES, high school will seem like a walk in the park after putting in a year of college. Happens every time!
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