Amanda and Steve tied the knot on May 1, 2010! Congrats you two!
These two cuties should look fromiliar...I did their engagement photos way back in February 2009. It's hard to believe their big day came and went!

I was not the main photographer for the event, Phase One got the honors there. Paul is wonderful and we are just keeping him in the family! Phase One did my sister in laws wedding, our wedding and now my sister in law's brother in law. (Any one confused yet??) =)
Here are just a few from the day. I would have took more if I wasn't pregnant and over heated. I had to make an emergency sit down while waiting for everyone to exit the church after the ceremony or my husband would have been picking me off the ground. No worries! Just one of the many quirks of being pregnant. All is well and on schedule there!

Seeing Amanda for the first time.

Amanda's sister, full of tears, as she approaches Steve.

This would be my niece, Hailey. How do you keep a flower girl entertained? Let her smack the pew in front of her while screaming with glee and attacking the program. She's a stinker!

So much love =)

St. Michael's is one of my favorite churches, so pretty.
Here the Unity Candle is still lit.

This is a result of my need to sit down, seeing them get swarmed by loved ones =)
And her dress is gorgeous!

Their guest book...by far the CUTEST guest book I have seen! This was the first page of the book, photo by me =) The following pages contained photos through out their courtship, from sweet 16 up to finishing college and graduating into the Coast Guard.

Ok, so I was super excited that not only my photos made it on the program, but there was a two page spread in the guest book. And I have no shame and signed on my page of photos too!

First dance as husband and wife.

Congrats again you two!! I still can't believe how fast time flew by between engagement photos and your big day. I hope you both enjoyed the Caribbean Honeymoon! May God bless you with many happy years together!
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