I am officially caught up after this post! Yay! These got lost in the tumble of weddings and first trimester sickness. But it's never too late to enjoy them! Plus it's nice to see some COLOR! According to my pussy willow tree and flower box...spring is officially on it's way and I could not be happier! Bring on the flowers, leaves and sunshine!
Here is Erin and Liam's Mommy and me session! I will admit I was a little nervous for this, as I do not have tons of experience with little kids, let alone a 3 month old =) But they quickly relaxed in front of the camera and my creative juices kicked in! I'm pretty sure Erin thought I was crazy when we got to the park, but that's part of the fun!

We borrowed the neighbor's beautiful sunflowers =)

Ehh, Mom! No kisses! Embarassing!

We were a little upset with getting photos done and in came Mr. Binkie to the rescue!

And 5 minutes after Mr. Binkie we scored a huge grin!
What a stinker!

At the park with my Mom!

I want one of these of me and Lily!

Making faces at Mommy making faces =)

Check out that drool bubble! Bombs away!!

Erin thought I was nuts putting him on the slide...thus the scary look on his face.
He'd love the slide now!

Riding Dino with my Mommy. She loves me =)

Another fave, such a cute face!

Yep, loading them pants for Mommy and cutting the photo shoot short !
Typical male...will do anything to get out of getting his picture taken!

Another fave!!

Liam thought after pooping his pants he was done with photos...
DUN DUN DUN! Halloween outfit photo shoot time!

Hehehe, his face is priceless!

What a cutie!

So Liam wouldn't feel completely tortured (really it wasn't torture at all!), Jabroni was dressed in his Lolly Lobster get up.

"Mom. Quite giggling at me!" =)

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Perfect baby lips and a cute button nose!

Tuckered out kids on the futon...

A boy and his puppy...a puppy and his moose...

...and even in his sleep, Liam thinks of ways to get in on some shenanigans! =)
I had tons of fun taking pictures of Liam and getting crazy with my fall stuff. I LOVE fall! I was in my happy place =)
What I can't believe is how MUCH Liam has grown since then! He now has two pearly whites on the bottom and he's an army crawler. His back legs don't crawl. I think he doesn't realize they are back there yet! In due time, he will...and possibly be up walking. Look out mom! :P