The annual Scare Fair was held at the DuBois Mall October 3rd.
Here are some photos from the fun!

The huge line for autographs!

The woman of the hour! She was very nice and down to earth.
She didn't believe me when I said the line for autographs probably would not die down :)

Action shot!

And the man of the hour!

He signed masks, DVD covers, photos and even a leg!

Why was he signing a leg? Because this gentleman was going straight to the tatoo parlor afterwards to make the autograph permanent! His shins have tatoos of his favorite villians.

The guy on the left is the tatoo guy :)

I was amazed at how many very young fans came out!
Of course, I'm a wuss when it comes to scary movies!!

Yes, they even dressed up as Michael too!

Family shot!

Showing off his goods!

Fans with Cindy :)

He signs t-shirts too!

The one and only Bill Diamond! I was SUPER excited to meet him!
He did the designing and make up for Fraggle Rock, Muppets, and Seasame Street to name a few!

Doing some face painting and explaining the different types of paints and what type is good for what.

This table speaks for itself!
They sold out of their t-shirts by 1:00!

You know you want to!!

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to stay for the contest.

And what Halloween function would be complete without an Elvis impersonator?? :D

Outside we find the touch a truck! ...or car, bus, construction vehicle.

It was popular amongst the little boys AND little girls!

So fun!

I seriously LOVE his face! Look at how excited he is!!

Talk about a CUTIE!

Cool kids wear shades ;)

I'm sure the touch a truck was ALLLL Mom and Dad heard about for the next week!
I had tons of fun at the Scare Fair! I didn't make it the year before with wedding planning and family functions. I wished I had enough time to stay for the whole thing, maybe next year!
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