Denny's Beer Barrel Pub sponsoered a 2 pound burger challenge at the Scare Fair held at the DuBois Mall. The first person to eat the entire burger wins two tickets to see the Steelers take on Green Bay!

The 100 pound bad boy to the left was hanging out while the 2 pounders are being prepped for contestants!

The 2 pound challenge!

The contestants!

That would be my Dad :)

Getting ready to reveal the contestants to the audience...and to start the eating madness!

Let the fun begin!

Yea, my thoughts exactly!

Oh boy. That's a LOT of burger!

This guy's already got the top bun down and working on the burger!

A third of the burger down...taking a breather!

Yes, their were chalk lines on the floor...and each contestant had a barf bag by their chair.
Needless to say, this had me a little nervous!

What's the commotion down there?!
Did he eat it all already?

No, just the 2 pounders first casualty.

Wife's pleading encouragement :)

"EAT FASTER! Go Steelers!"

And the winner! Leo Pernesky ate the 2 pounder in 24 minutes, winning the Steeler tickets!

Showing off his winnings with the last bite still in his mouth.

Leo and Denny from Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, PA.

ZDB did a live remote of the action!

The 100 pounder burger was then cut and sold for a $1.00 a piece
with proceeds benefiting local food pantries.
is this burger for real?!?
wow..they are big,how could someone eat such a big burger?..
they must be hungry,lol..
I love to try 1.. :)
YES! Isn't that crazy?! Denny's has been featured on quite a few food network shows because of the size of this monster. I know people who have tried the 2 pound burger and it won.
Here's the restaurant's website if you want to check it out!
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