Meet Amanda and Steve. Steve graduated with my hubby and Steve's brother married my hubby's sister (are you still with me??) Amanda asked me to do her photos and of COURSE I said yes! We were shooting for Friday to go out, but it was entirely WAY too cold! I talked them into Saturday morning and got some great sun and a bit warmer weather. Steve is much like my husband, the idea of tramping around getting your picture taken is not high on their list of "FUN". I think Steve enjoyed himself. And kudos to Amanda for putting up with his gripes :) I know how that goes! Word of advice with men and girly stuff in general: just tell them where to be, when and what to wear. Amanda, I hope these are what you were hoping for! We got a lot of good shots, both traditional and modern. Enjoy!
How cool is this? I was pleasantly surprised with the ice sickles!
We had to stop at Gram's for photos. Amanda was excited to have something to sit on that wasn't snowy :)
This was my idea, Steve was not so excited. Thanks for taking one for the team!
Steve - "I was pouting."
Cute cute! Thanks for bending at the knees, y'all are so tall!
Amanda's face - laughing at Steve or because it's cold.
Regardless, it's totally cute!
Thank you for letting me share a special time in your life! There is nothing like engagement photos. It's one of my favorite sessions to do. There is just something about the transition between single-dom and married life. It's sweet...romantic...pure. And super exciting!