Sorry for the lack of updates! Things have been crazy over here! I finally got a job. Not at the top of my list, but I am chalking it all up to experience. Sears Portrait Studio. I kind of feel like a sell out. I don't believe you can really do great photos in a time slot of 15 minutes. But that seems to be the philosphy there. If anything, once I am finished there (I am only temporary Christmas help and once January gets here...SEE YA! I get the boot!) I can say I have studio experience and more time behind the camera and also sales experience. Both are good for me. BUT the job search must continue on....$7.15 an hour does not pay for four years of Penn State and pay for a house for my fiance and I to live in...
Speaking of fiance, ONE MONTH TIL THE WEDDING! :D It's really coming fast! I am excited! Maybe more so for the honeymoon since we both haven't been on a vacation since 2006 and I feel WAY over due for some beach laying sunbathing goodness!
I am also considering giving the good old blog, facebook and myspace Monroe Files sites a face lift/make over or something. It's been the same since I started in January and I think it's time for something new. I am more seasoned now, with more photos under my belt...I can come up with something good I am sure!
But, to keep you kiddies occupied, here are some pictures of my niece, Lanie. She is 6 and a half months old. She spent the night at Gram and Pops house while mommy was visiting daddy at his new job in Pittsbugh. Of course I not only had to come and visit my one and only niece, but I had to bring the camera in tow!
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