Beloved is an emerging photographic genre centered on the creation of meaning-rich portraits that express the individual, beautiful personality each person is born with, creating an opportunity to celebrate the relationships that fill our lives with joy and purpose.
The Photogenic Technique of Beloved gives photographers a clear and simple way to move past the “camera smile”‘ to easily capture the authentic, photogenic expressions and the naturally beautiful sides of our personality we share with our loved ones.
The Beloved Collective serves and supports the amazing community of photographers who are integrating Beloved and Photogenic Technique into their portrait sessions through products, online training courses and an annual conference.
In addition to launching a new
website the Beloved Collective has just released the first Family Field Guide, which brings the power of Photogenic Technique to the fields of family & children photography.
{ Come and see for yourself }
I am SOOOO excited to offer
this experience to the greater DuBois area! It's such an amazing adventure and even more so to share it with those you love dearly. The Beloved Experience is for everyone, but I highly recommend it to couples who have been together 5 years or more. Most couples I know do not get professional images taken after they wed. They may get images taken as children come into the picture but they never truly take the time to celebrate each other. Life is so busy that often times we get into a routine of the same old, same old and roll into bed exhausted just to do it all over again tomorrow. As we try to squeeze out every second of the day, we forget to take a moment to connect with our loved ones. I'm offering you the chance to reconnect and celebrate your unique love language and I am also here to say, it's the best time you will spend squeezing every second out of. =] Here are just two images from my Beloved couples.
More can be seen here.