I hope you have your favorite couple picked out and your voter finger is ready!!
There are two ways to vote:
1. Online poll
Click here to take survey
2. Facebook likes
Monroe Files Photography on Facebook
Voting will end September 17th at midnight!!!
The winners will be decided based on a combination of poll votes and facebook likes.
For anyone who missed the entries:
Part 1
Part 2
Make sure you share the links with your family and friends...they decide who wins! =]
Thank you and good luck to all who entered!!

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. A rekindling experience of love through imagery.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Engagement Story Contest Part 2 | Monroe Files Photography, DuBois, PA
Welcome to part TWO of the Engagement Story contest! Here is Part 1 for those who missed it.
Voting will open Sunday, with two ways to vote:
. Cast your vote in the online Survery right here
. Cast your "like" on facebook
YOU determine the winners! Votes will be tallied and prizes given out to the top 3 fan favorites.
Can't remember what awesome prizes are up for grabs?? Let me jog your memory =]
Grand Prize:
Full Portrait session with a complimentary 16x20 canvas wrap, ready to hang on your wall!
2nd runner up:
Mini session with complimentary accordian mini album that fits in your purse (think brag book, but cooler!)
3rd runner up:
$75.00 gift certificate to Monroe Files Photography
And now, onto what you've all been waiting for...our second round of stories!! =] =] =]
So there you have it peeps! Part two is in the books. Make sure you pick out your favorites and get those voting fingers ready!! =]
Voting will open Sunday, with two ways to vote:
. Cast your vote in the online Survery right here
. Cast your "like" on facebook
YOU determine the winners! Votes will be tallied and prizes given out to the top 3 fan favorites.
Can't remember what awesome prizes are up for grabs?? Let me jog your memory =]
Grand Prize:
Full Portrait session with a complimentary 16x20 canvas wrap, ready to hang on your wall!
2nd runner up:
Mini session with complimentary accordian mini album that fits in your purse (think brag book, but cooler!)
3rd runner up:
$75.00 gift certificate to Monroe Files Photography
And now, onto what you've all been waiting for...our second round of stories!! =] =] =]
Jennifer & Bruce
"In the fall of 2008, freshly graduated from Penn State, I moved home to begin my
teaching career at my childhood elementary school. That same fall as Halloween
approached my mom began babysitting for friends of ours. Ava, 5, and Landon, 3, were
sweet little handfuls that we absolutely fell in love with, and they immediately became
a part of our family. As the holiday drew near I was filled with full-fledged Halloween
spirit and eagerly dressed up to celebrate the day with my students. So into school I go…
bright red, poufy polka dot dress, red high heels, and huge (and I mean old-school
satellite HUGE) mouse ears! Minnie Mouse had arrived! Of course my fifth graders loved
having their teacher dressed up like such a loon, and at the end of my crazy day I
inched home PRAYING that I wouldn’t get pulled over by the cops in my ridiculous
get-up. Thinking that girly-girl Ava would love to see my outfit, I made a quick
pit-stop at her house for a little “pre-trick-or-treat” surprise.
Reaching their house, I repeatedly knocked on the door with no luck. Just as I
convinced myself that Kylie and the kids must be out scouring for candy already,
into the driveway pulls a car. Hopeful that it’s them I turn around, but much to my
dismay no kids get out. As it turns out, Kylie and her extremely good-looking
older brother, Bruce, were arriving home from a gambling trip, and there I stand…
alone in the driveway…whiskers and all. Of course Bruce finds this to be HYSTERICAL!
Definitely not the ideal first impression I would like to have made! That Halloween
“Princess Belle” Ava and “UPS Man” Landon loved seeing Minnie Mouse show
up at their grandma’s house, where they were staying, and with Bruce in tow it
definitely turned out to be an embarrassing trick-or-treating “first date”
that I would never forget!
As the result of my buddy Ava playing match-maker, her Uncle Brucie and I had
been together for almost two years as the fall of 2010 arrived. Let me precursor
this by saying that I am a very, and I mean VERY hard person to surprise. However,
Bruce managed to get one over on me, and on a series of “work trainings” to
State College he purchased a ring, waiting for just the right time to propose.
Being the sly, conscientious person he is, Bruce asked for my dad’s blessing
one night after shooting guns (probably not the smartest thing timing) and proceeded
to tell my mom that the only way he’s going to be able to pull off the proposal is
to “make me angry.” And that he did…
I come home from work Friday afternoon completely EXHAUSTED and anxious
to make my way to State College for the Penn State homecoming festivities.
Immediately, I sank into the tub for a relaxing soak to wash off the stress of the
day before heading to Bruce’s mom’s house in Bellefonte for a late dinner. Turns out,
Bruce suggests that I drive and promptly informs me that we will be meeting his
friend Curtis on campus that evening to drop off a bag of DVD’s. Tired, starving,
and slightly cranky I make the trek to State, fighting traffic, only to find that the
entire Homecoming Parade is marching through campus, and “Curtis” wants to
meet us at Old Main after work. So what do I do? Bitch and complain what a
moron Curtis is for expecting us to meet him on campus at 9:00 and fight a
crowd of thousands just for a freaking bag of DVD’s. Well anyone who knows
Penn State knows that when we party, we PARTY, so of course we make it nowhere
NEAR Old Main. I finally find a place to park and Bruce leads me to the dimly-lit
Eastview Terrace to await Curtis’s arrival. And so we sit and wait…and wait…and
30 minutes later I am still waiting, still starving, and still exhausted. All around me
is a beautiful, dimly-lit terrace with a cascading stairway and balconies
overlooking the twinkling lights of downtown State College. The night was a perfect
fall evening, with a cool breeze rustling the brightly-colored trees. And what am I
doing at this point? Taking in the relaxing ambiance? Why of course not! I’m
stretched out on the stairs, leather jacket thrown over my shoulder, hair a mess,
SMOKING A CIGAR (so very lady-like)!
In the meantime Bruce is strolling around the terrace, trusty bag of stupid DVD’s
in tow, laughing about my mounting irritation for Curtis. Just as I’m about to
thoroughly lose my patience and storm off, Bruce points behind me and says, “Hey, is
that Curtis?” Of course by that time my response to him is, “It better as hell be
Curtis, I’m tired and hungry and I am sooooo ready to get out of here!” Of course,
when I turn around no one is there, and as I turn back to Bruce there he kneels on
the steps in front of me, HUGE smile on his face, with the gorgeous ring he had
picked out for me months before. He was so excited that as soon as our eyes met he asked,
“Will you marry me?” In that moment all my stress melted away, and with tears
rolling down my cheeks I managed to squeak out a “yes” through the kisses.
Needless to say, when we got to his mom’s house she met us screaming in the
driveway, and Curtis, catching wind of what was going on (by randomly texting
Bruce mid-proposal) shows up angry that I got so mad at him. Before enjoying
the rest of our “relaxing” evening, Bruce and I made one phone call, just to Ava.
As I told her that Uncle Bruce asked me to marry him she squealed, after all, she
had been asking him to do it for two years now. That, by far, was the best part of it all."
Cristian & Jesse
"One of the most romantic and creative engagement stories is our own.
We took a trip to Georgia with our friend Amanda to see friends and family.
On the second day, we went hiking on a trail that was very special to us. There was
a particular bench that was important to us. It was a place where we really got to
know each other in the beginning, where we really first connected.
The three of us started on the trail, but a couple minutes into it Amanda had to run
back to her car for new camera batteries and to take a phone call. We went on
ahead and slowly strolled along the trail. We paused to carve our initials into a
lookout (I know, super lame, but I thought it was cute). As one, we finished the first of
two trails then we went looking for Amanda, and couldn't seem to find her anywhere.
As we wandered further searching for her, I looked far ahead of us and saw her
decorating the bench. At first I was extremely confused as to what she was doing.
We walked a little closer and it became clear to me what was about to happen.
What she did was beautiful. Shear fabric draped over the bench, flowers everywhere,
rose petals on the ground, stars tied in the trees… I couldn't have thought of anything
like that myself. I began to cry and Jesse grabbed my hand. He led me over to the
bench and we sat down. To the left of us I noticed a bucket with balloons tied to it.
Jesse proceeded to pop the first balloon and inside was a piece of paper with one
place where he first started falling in love with me on it. He continued popping the
balloons until he reached the last one. The last one was the bench we were sitting on.
He wrote a beautiful letter to me and read it aloud. I was, of course, crying like a
baby the entire time. After he read the letter he got down on one knee and asked me
if I would marry him. I don't recall saying an audible yes, but I did nod (Later he asked
me just to double check). He held my hand and slid the ring on my finger. The entire
thing was so unexpected and I never thought it would be as amazing as it was."
Alexandrea & Shawn
"We had been dating for four years and had a beautiful baby girl together. I had been
on his case to get married since the day we had our daughter the previous year. On October 4,
we were on vacation at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The day was starting out like
any other vacation day, we always got up bright and early and cooked a big breakfast
then we spent the whole day at the beach by the water. This year was a little different
because both our family were vacationing together, so there were a lot of people. Thus it
took a little longer to get everything ready to go. We finally got everything ready right before
lunch and were headed to the beach. I wasn’t a very happy about it taking so long to get on the beach but it was the beach, so I brushed it off. We are having a great time and I noticed Shawn
seemed to be avoiding my daughter & I and he was spending a lot of time out in the
ocean with my dad. It didn’t bother me much because I thought they were just spending time together.
Time went by, all enjoying the fabulous day, and Shawn told me he had to poop, that he was
going to the condo and would be right back. I told him, ‘whatever. Why did I care if he had to crap?’ Roughly an hour went by and Shawn hadn’t returned. As the families were talking, I mentioned
how I was getting worried about him and that I should go check on him. But my uncle said
he would go see what was going on and as he got to the top of the dock there was Shawn. When Shawn got to where I was sitting I asked, ‘What happened? Did you fall in?’ His reply was ‘no I just
don’t feel too good.’ so I went back to talking to my grandma who was sitting to my right.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shawn get on his knee and he said, ‘Alex, I got something
we need to talk about.’ I turned, then he asked, ’will you marry me?’ I couldn’t say anything.
I just cried. I couldn’t even say yes I was crying so hard, I had to shake my head yes. I was so
happy but at the same time embarrassed…because his whole family and my whole family
were watching us. It was the greatest day ever.
I found out that he had bought the ring three weeks prior, on a day we were to go
shopping in Clearfield together and he backed out of it to go with his mom to look for
the a ring. He also told me that his mom and my dad where the only ones that knew that it
was going to happen at the beach because his mom went with him to buy it and he asked
my dad for my hand in marriage. He originally planned a romantic sun raise proposal but
my dad told him that if he was going to ask me he had to do it in front of the families.
So that’s how his poop story came about. He was only planning to be gone like five minutes
but his mom forgot to keep the door unlocked and he had to find a way to break in and get the ring! That’s why it took so long, but when it comes to it neither of us would change a thing!"
Megan & Mike
"On July 24, 2011, after 4 years of dating, Mike planned the whole proposal out.
He had my best friend tell me three weeks prior to July 24 that he had talked to her and told
her he was going to propose to me on August 10. Needless to say I was counting down!!!!
On July 24, I had a Purse Party that day and he was supposed to meet me after. And my best
friend from DuBois and her fiance were coming down and we were all going to go out to dinner.
I told him to meet us at 4. Well needless to say, he didn't show up. He called me frantically saying
that his car had broken down and I had to rush to Alameda Park because none of his family
could come get him.
So, I rushed down and I pulled up to the back of his blazer as he had instructed me to
do because the hood was supposedly smoking. I saw a sign that said "Go to the Hood".
I cautiously did thinking that he was going to jump out. Then there was a sign on the hood
that said “follow the rope”. I followed this rope and it came to my surprise that the shelter was
decorated and there was no Mike in sight. He decorated a shelter at Alameda Park with
candles and potpourri. He had a rose and a wrapped gift at the end of the shelter. I read the
card and the gift was a framed poem that he had written me.
As soon as I turned around, he walked up behind me and gave me a little speech and then asked
me to marry him. It was so wonderful and perfect (except for the fact he dropped the ring since he opened the box upside down and he didn't notice it!). It was better than anything I ever imagined!"
Sarah & Josh
"By October of 2010 Josh and I had been dating for just over two and a half years.
We had developed the reputation of being the couple who was always on the go,
which was appropriate because most of our weekends were filled with excursions to
see family and friends. We had also developed the reputation of being the ultimate
weddings guests. Not that there was anything special about our attendance at weddings,
it was just that we had been to a LOT of weddings in the past two and a half years-thirteen to be exact!
Josh and I had discussed marriage and becoming engaged a lot in the past year,
so I knew that we would be getting engaged, I just didn’t know WHEN. Although Josh
may not have known it, it was, admittedly driving me a little crazy. I KNEW I wanted to
spend the rest of my life with him and I knew he felt the same so WHAT WAS HE WAITING
FOR?! As 2011 began to fill up with weddings, first the summer, then the fall, I began to
think that even if we did get engaged any time soon (which I really didn’t think was
going to happen) we would not be able to get married until 2012. I may have patience
for a lot of things, but I was being very impatient about this.
Little did I know that while I was doing the “will he, won’t he” song in my head, Josh
already had his plans in motion. In September of 2010 I had vacationed to the beach
for a week with Josh’s mom, sister, and aunt. While we were enjoying the sun and the sand,
Josh used the opportunity of my absence to go and purchase my engagement ring. I found
out (after the fact, of course) that Josh’s mom and sister had been taking secret calls
and texts from Josh while we were at the beach that week. When I was in the shower,
they were looking through my jewelry trying to get an idea of my ring size. Sneaky!
Immediately upon my return from the beach, Josh and I had a wedding to attend.
While at the reception Josh and I began talking about our own “someday” wedding. I told
him how I didn’t think we would be able to get married until at least 2012 because of all
the weddings we were taking part in during the upcoming year. Josh brushed it off as if it
were no big deal, which bothered me a little bit, so I dropped the subject and went to use the
restroom. While I was gone, Josh proceeded to tell all our friends sitting at our table that
he had the ring and planned to propose in a few weeks. In fact, Josh told the majority
of his family and our friends about his plans to pop the question.
Fast forward to the second weekend of October. Josh and I had plans to go up to his camp
in Cameron County for the weekend. We both like going up in the fall, me especially,
because of the beautiful fall foliage. As usual, we extended the invite to any of our friends
and family who wanted to join us for the weekend. Normally a few of our friends or some
of Josh’s family will join us, but for this particular weekend we had probably about 25
people joining us for some, or all, of the weekend. I kept commenting how it just “worked out”
that everyone had free time that weekend to join us, not realizing that Josh had let
them in on his plans.
We arrived at camp close to sunset on Friday, October 8th. I told Josh that I was
okay with waiting until the next day to go up and look at the leaves, but he was insistent
that we go that evening. We headed up to our “lookout spot” up on top of the one
of the nearby mountains. In previous years we had gone up there to see the leaves because
you have a breathtaking view of the whole valley and all the trees. Once we got up there,
we both hopped out and I started taking pictures. Josh doesn’t have a camera, but he does
have a mini digital camcorder, which he “conveniently” brought to “film the leaves.”
After about ten minutes, Josh set up the video camera on the hood of the SUV and joined
me to look out over the valley. It was just a gorgeous view with the leaves in bright reds
and oranges and the sun setting behind the mountains. As we’re standing there Josh starts
talking about how we should come back to this same spot every year. I agreed, saying
we had already started that tradition because this was the third year we had come up. He then
said that we needed a better reason to return to that spot every year and I jokingly asked
him what that reason should be. He then got down on one knee, pulled out the ring, and said
“Sarah Brown, will you marry me?” To say I was shocked was an understatement. I started
jumping and crying and said “YES!” before giving him a huge hug and kiss. After more
hugging, kissing, and picture taking, Josh popped the bottle of champagne he had
hiding under the backseat of the vehicle. As we toasted to the new chapter in our lives,
I slowly started to realize that the reason for all our guests this weekend must have been
because of our engagement. When I asked Josh about it, he told me the whole story,
starting with him looking at rings (almost a year ago!) and ending with his plan to
have as many family and friends as possible at camp to celebrate with us. And celebrate
we did, and will. After being guests at nineteen different weddings together, we’ll say
“I do” on New Year’s Eve!"
Kathy & Brian
"Years ago when my husband, Brian, and I had only been dating for a few months,
we attended a friend's wedding in the fall. We were talking about details from the
wedding the next day while we were driving. Brian, always kidding around, said jokingly
"If you buy me a house and a truck I just might marry you." And the conversation took
off from there... he wanted a big house, a nice truck and a yard made out of bricks painted
green so it had the look of grass, but he didn't have to mow. We laughed and kept adding
details to the list all day. Little did he know I was filing all this away in my head so I
could play a joke on him sometime in the future.
Fast forward a couple months to early February. I got the idea to give Brian his dream
house and truck for Valentine's Day and see what his reaction would be. So I went to a
local hobby shop and bought the nicest house I could find (it was a house meant for a
train display), then I was off to buy him a brand new truck (Matchbox of course). I brought
them home and mounted the house and truck on a platform I had made with the "fake yard
he didn't have to mow" and I was all set. I couldn't keep the secret to myself so I told
Brian's Mom what I was planning to do and she laughed and said "It'll serve him right!"
Brian and I were planning on going out to dinner for Valentine's Day so I drove to his
Mom's house to meet him. He started down the porch steps and I told him to go back
in the house I had a surprise for him, but I also wanted his Mom to see his reaction. So
once we were inside I asked him "Do you remember what you told me about buying you a
house and a truck?" And he said "I remember something about a house and a truck,
but I don't remember exactly what I said." So I reminded Brian what he had said about
marrying me and handed him his new house and truck. We all had a good laugh, and
then we headed out to go to dinner.
Once we were in Brian's truck he handed me a box and said "Here's your Valentine's
Day present." I opened the box and inside was a heart-shaped box of candy. I told him
thank you, and he said "They're peanut butter melt-a-ways, try one." So I opened the
box to get a piece of candy and inside was a diamond ring and he said "Well, will you marry me?"
I said yes and we laughed and laughed because neither of us knew what the other had planned,
but it couldn't have worked out more perfectly.
It's been 17 years now and we still laugh about that Valentine's Day.
Brian still has his dream house and truck and hasn't had to mow the grass once!"
Ashley & Paul
"When I first met Paul I would have never imagined that he would be the guy
I would marry and spend the rest of my life with.
I met Paul when I started working at Sensus. At first he worked in a different department
and we only talked slightly on breaks, nothing major. But then he was moved to the
same department as me and then right next to me,- LOL- So that just means we spent
A LOT of time together and had LOTS of time to get to know each other.
We actually dated different people off and on. We watched each other go through some
heart aches and let downs, but we always had each other to talk to. I didn’t realize I
had deeper feelings for Paul till he was starting to get closer to another girl. I found myself
getting very jealous, and wanting to spend more time with him outside of work, and it helps
doing that when you hang out in some of the same places with a few same friends.
I’m not sure where we made the transition from just friends to dating. I guess some times
that kind of thing just happens. But I do remember he asked me to be his girlfriend the
same day my god son was born. I guess you could call it a good day for me!
Paul and I got engaged about a year after he asked me to be his girlfriend. I remember
us talking about marriage and getting engaged and if we would want a long or short
engagement. It never really went anywhere, but that didn’t stop me from dropping the hints
that I was ready when he was. We even stopped by Kays and looked at rings. But it was
always “too expensive right now” or “now I know what to look for when the time comes.”
The night Paul asked me to marry him. He asked me to go out for dinner at Luigis.
He showed up with beautiful pink roses! And then when we got there he had reserved
the loft table so we could be alone. We had a great dinner and when we were walking
down the steps to leave he reached the bottom and turned around, I seen the box in his
hand and he was bending down to get on his knee. I kept saying “ oh no you don’t, don’t
do this to me” (I HATE HATE HATE being the center of attention) So before he says
anything I start running up the steps so no one would see me .. so there he is in front of everyone
in the restaurant on knee with ring saying “ Ashley Nicole get down here now!” my reply was
“not till u get up and put that thing away” so he walks up the steps gets to where I’m standing,
gets on his knee and asks me to marry him” I said yes! Put the ring on and we walk down
the steps with a couple tables of people staring at us, when a lady sitting at a table
staring says “WELL” and Paul says “oh yea she said yes.” and that is my engagement story!"
So there you have it peeps! Part two is in the books. Make sure you pick out your favorites and get those voting fingers ready!! =]
Engagement Story Contest Part 1 | Monroe Files Photography DuBois, PA
Ok gang! Here is the first installment of stories to feast your romantic hearts on! Originally, I had planned on narrowing it down to 5 based on categories. However. Each category was not represented in the submissions I received. SO...I said to heck with the categories! Anyone who took the time to submit their story and photo are in it to win it!! BOO-YHAA!! (Bet you're wishing you submitted your story, huh?) =]
Keep checking back right HERE to see when the polls open for voting!
Please note that couples are listed randomly and in no specific order.
Keep checking back right HERE to see when the polls open for voting!
Please note that couples are listed randomly and in no specific order.
Roxy & Shawn
"Shawn and I had been together for a little over two years.
He always told me that he didn't want to get married until he had a house of his own.
Obviously, I started house-searching soon after that comment. After months of looking
at houses, putting in bids, and buying kitchen utensils and storing them in my
childhood bedroom, we finally bought a house together. I thought this
meant the engagement was coming soon.
After living together over 6 months, I was starting to get frustrated. Easter weekend,
we went to visit my mom in New York. On our last day there, we stopped to
visit my grandparents. Although I did have a "promise ring," my grandma spent
the day ragging Shawn that he "needed to put a ring on my finger." I was starting
to feel bad for him because she was not letting off.
We got home Saturday night and were supposed to go out with some of Shawn's friends
who were in town. I was getting ready and Shawn came in and told me there was
something on the bed for me. I went into the room as he went out to the kitchen. On the bed
was a plastic Easter egg. I opened it up to find my favorite candy (raspberry and
blackberry gummy candies) and in the middle of the candies was my beautiful ring.
He came into the bedroom and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. :) :)
I cried, said yes, hugged him, and blast texted everyone I knew a picture of the ring.
He told me afterwards that he was planning on waiting until Easter morning,
but all of his friends knew his plans and he was afraid they would spill
the beans after a few too many beverages. :)"
Mitchel & Katie
"I met my fiancé Katie on plentyoffish.com and we have been together
now for almost two years. We are getting married on March 10, 2012
and our engagement was definitely interesting.
I got my hands on this old custom ring that has a heart shaped setting and is
definitely one of a kind. The thing about it was, it didn't have a diamond. I had
my hands on the ring for about a week and it was burning a hole in my pocket…
but I didn't know exactly what kind of diamond to put in it.
Labor Day weekend I decided I'm going to do it and told all my buddies what I
was going to do and they laughed.
Katie and I were sitting there on Sunday night just watching movies. I was so
nervous because I was really going to ask her to marry me with a ring that didn't have
a diamond. I decided “well here goes nothing” and said, ‘hey we need to talk’ and she
asked me what was on my mind. I told her, ‘so you know how I have been saying WHEN
I marry you lately, not IF I marry you’ (because I started saying ‘when we're married’ or
‘when you’re my wife’ and she picked up on it) and I said ‘Well yea…so what do you say?’
and handed her the box. She opened the box and started laughing!
And I said ‘hear me out. I'm off tomorrow with it being Labor Day. Let’s head up to Rossi's
jewelers in the middle of Dubois and you can pick out your own diamond.’ So that was
exciting because I found a one of a kind ring and she got to pick out her cut of diamond.
And to clarify, I'm not a complete looser because the ring had a rock in three days!
It all worked out and now we are well on our way to start out a great marriage."
Dawn & Wilber
"Wilbur and I had met at work, dated for a while and things didn’t work out.
So we both went our own ways. I left that job to pursue my career path as a paramedic.
Unknown to me, Wilbur became an EMT and started to work for an ambulance service
nearby. Wilbur was one of the people I thought of all the time and kept wondering if I gave
up on my one chance of happiness. Well a couple years later we were reconnect by a mutual
friend. About a year after that, Wilbur was involved with a tragic call and required some
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. While talking with the counselor he decided he wanted to
move into the next phase of his life and ask me to marry him.
On July 24, 2007 (my birthday) he took me to dinner at Luigi’s. I knew something was up
because he was a nervous wreck and had his hand in his pocket most of the night. Dinner was
pretty awkward and I could tell he was very nervous. At this point I figured out what was going
on and of course had to act like I didn’t have a clue. Well I was getting excited all through
dinner but dinner came and went and no proposal. So we left Luigi’s and he said he had to
run into Martin’s for a minute. He went in and came out empty handed. At this point I
was very confused.
So we go back to my house and are sitting on the couch. He kept putting his hand in
his pocket and fidgeting around. We are making idle chit chat, once again it is
pretty awkward. Well Kirby, my lab mix, always loved Wilbur. Well that night he was all
over Wilbur and kept sticking his nose into the now famous pocket and kept nudging him.
It is almost as if he was telling him to just do it. I found this hysterical but couldn’t let on
that I knew what was in that pocket. After awhile of this I couldn’t take it anymore
and started to crowd him to one end of the couch and nudging him onto his knee on the floor.
Finally with Kirby and my help, he got onto his knee and asked me to marry him.
Of course, I started to cry (because that is what I do) and he got all teary eyed and I said yes.
Then he proceeds to tell me what the original plans were for the night and
how they back fired. He and some co workers had planned the big night for about a week.
They made a “ring holder” out of plastic and the plan was he was going to excuse himself
to go to the restroom, find a waitress have her put the ring on a piece of cake and bring
it to me. Well that was all fine until they sat us right beside the bathroom so he couldn’t
do that. He thought about getting down on one knee right then and there and doing it,
but said there were too many people and he didn’t comfortable doing it. So we went to
Martin’s and he was going to buy a cupcake and put it on. Well Martin’s didn’t have
any cupcakes, so plan B was shot (what are the chances). So he had to go to plan C,
which he didn’t have. I love how plan C worked out and can’t think of a more special
place to be proposed to. Every day, whether I am watching TV, sweeping the floors or
walking by I get to see the special place where my wonder life as a wife and mother began.
We were married October 18, 2008. On our honeymoon one week later, our son
Ethan Thomas was conceived and our crazy but wonderful life as a family began.
We were not given much of an opportunity to be just husband and wife, instead there
was a bigger plan for us and that was to be mommy and daddy. People say that we
shouldn’t have started our family so soon after getting married but I disagree with them.
Our life turned out perfect and I am truly blessed to have the two most amazing boys
in the world in it."
Nicole & Casey
"We didn’t have a lot of money to buy a ring but Casey wanted to make sure it was
the perfect one. He searched and searched for about two year when we finally decided to
just book the wedding with the ring. We were ready! We planned our wedding for
November, 2008 in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Casey wouldn’t let me say we were engaged until he had a ring for me and asked for my hand.
The prices in the stores were just too much for us. We finally decided to purchase the ring
on ebay where we could get a deal. Casey did a lot of research on the different sellers,
their feedback, and return policy.
Finally, three months later the perfect one came up, and after a quick bidding war at
the end, it was ours! They were going to size it and send it off in two weeks. A few weeks
later after working an overnight, Casey and I were sleeping in bed when I heard a knock
at the door at 8:30am. Normally I would just ignore it after only going to bed a few
hours earlier, but I had a feeling I knew what it was. I ran to the door and signed
for the package. Casey came out and wouldn’t let me open it. He opened the package
and then the ring box. “Looks good”, he said. Then after torturing me for about an hour
by giving me the box but taking the ring out of he said, “Whelp, I’m going back to bed”!
He said he would ask me when he was good and ready and I had better say yes because
he was only asking once.
We went back to bed and a few hours later we were up for the day. Casey suggested we
go to Red Lobster for dinner. So I showered and started getting ready. While I was still
in the bathroom straightening my hair, Casey comes in and says, “Bebo, will you marry me?”
I turn and he is on one knee in his white t-shirt, shocks, and underwear!
Of course, I said yes! So, we got engaged while I was in the bathroom and Casey was
in his underwear. Pure Casey style! I wouldn’t have had it any other way!
P.S. I did take the ring to a jeweler in town and they verified the ring was real
and of amazing quality! They wanted to know where we got it but I wouldn’t
give away my secret!"
Haley & Jim
"On Tuesday August 9, 2011, my boyfriend and I were vacationing with my family
at Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. He had asked me to enjoy a drink on the beach
with him. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary because the night before we had
sat on the beach gazing at the stars together. There was a full moon and it was
beautiful out as we sat on my beach towel and sipped on drinks we talked about how
much we enjoyed our lives with one another. Out of nowhere he got up off of the
towel and wrote in the sand in giant letters, "I Love You" and drew a heart.
I couldn't stop smiling and told him how sweet it was of him to write that message
for me in the sand. He asked me to go for a walk with him along the ocean and to
look for sea shells. We walked along the beach as the waves crashed in at our feet,
every few feet we'd stop and kiss. I told him I wanted to go look for sea shells
and I walked off, little did I know what he was up to when I was looking for sea shells.
He caught up with me, reaching for my hand as we continued our walk.
I asked him if we could start heading back, on our way back to our stuff on the
beach he would stop and kiss me more and more. He kept telling me that he
couldn't imagine his life without me in it and that he would never want to spend a
day without me. He stopped me from walking and hugged me so tight he
whispered in my ear, "I want this moment to last forever!"
He turned me around and said, "I wrote another message in the sand for you!"
As I read the words, "Will you marry me?" wrote in the sand, I turned around and he
was down on one knee with the ring in his hand. He said, "Haley, I absolutely love you,
will you marry me?" As I said, "yes" he slipped the ring on my finger and we
clenched one another in the tightest hug!
After the proposal I found out that he had bought the ring 6 months ago, but was
waiting for "the perfect moment" to give it to me! We cannot wait to marry
one another and we're planning our wedding for next August!"
Sasha & TJ
"TJ and I had been dating for a year this past Christmas. We both had
spent so much money on his son for Christmas that we didn't get each
other much but a few little things. We were going to Hawaii in the
middle of January and that was our real Christmas presents to each other.
About the middle of November, we started looking at rings that I would
like. We finally found the perfect ring, and decided that he should
buy it. They had to send the ring away for sizing, so I didn't even
get to see it when he bought it. I didn't know that the ring had come
in, and was actually a little bit upset that all I was getting for
Christmas from him was a bottle of perfume. I thought for sure, that
he would propose to me when we were on the beach in Hawaii on vacation.
On Christmas morning, everyone had opened all of their presents and
had deserted the room that the Christmas tree was in at his mom's
house. I was finishing cleaning up the rest of the wrapping paper
that my step son and niece had everywhere when he sent his son out of
the room with his sister, and he said he had one more present for me.
And there on the Christmas tree was a little gold wrapped box that he
grabbed and opened as he got down on one knee took my hand, tears
filled my eyes as he said, "Sasha, will you marry me?" , I said "Yes"
and was bawling as I gave him the biggest bear hug ever. He couldn't
breath because I was squeezing him so hard! I was so excited and
happy to be asked to be the future Mrs. Timothy Fetterman!
We have been busy making plans and are getting married on July 14th 2012."
Aimee & Matt
"It was May 1st, right before finals and I had a TON of work to do including
handing in my thesis proposal. However, I really needed to unwind and do something
fun so Matt decided to rent a boat (thought you needed a license...apparently not in
the North Country hahaha) and go fishing on Lake Champlain.
Of course I brought all my articles to read since I was so overwhelmed with getting it done, but
obviously that didn't happen. Anyways, after about 15 minutes and next to Valcour
.Island, he asked me if I wanted to start fishing and I did, so I asked him to bait my hook.
I HATE touching worms!! 5 seconds later he turned around and was just staring at me
with a weird face. I really had no idea what was going on. I didn't get it for a good
10 seconds, but the ring was on the hook swinging in front of my face!! Good thing he
planned this out and fixed the hook so the ring wouldn't fall off into the water lol.
And on one knee he said, "I've got the best catch, will you marry me?"
I knew the proposal was coming... taking my dad out for lunch??? COME ON NOW,
but he definitely shocked me with when and how it happened.
Matt is such a romantic person, he always puts so much thought into everything he
does for me....even his cards are lengthy and beautiful lol. I can't even express
how grateful I am, especially having a significant other who drove up to Plattsburgh
almost every weekend to see me (sometimes arriving on a Saturday night, only
to leave Sunday morning…crazy right????). He made the 6 hour drive in snow, rain,
hail, you name it. Both of us said we would never be in a long distance relationship,
but not even 2 months before I left to start my masters program, we decided to
give it a try.
Well, we made it through the 2 years I was upstate and I can honestly
say that's the reason we're so close. Our Skpye dates, talking on the phone from the time
we woke up, throughout the day, and then until one of us fell asleep on the phone at
night was how we had to get to know one another. I'm very happy I came back home
for my internship though and Matt is too (for driving reasons of course haha). It was
tough at times having a significant other so far away, but the saying "what doesn't kill you,
only makes you stronger" is definitely true for us :)
I never knew a love like this could exist. The list of qualities that I HAD to have
in someone seemed downright ridiculous and thought it was never going to happen.
I was actually OK with the fact that I would probably be the crazy cat lady. I can't
believe that Matt is everything I've dreamed about having in a person. Not only
is he the most handsome man I've ever met, he's sweet, loving, and kind to everyone
around him. He works hard to be successful and always strives for more. Matt
motives me and supports everything I do, always cheering me on to the fullest. He's my
best friend in whole world and I really can't remember what
life was like before I met him."
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