Last weekend, the Rockton Park had their Annual Easter Egg hunt, open to any child who could attend. We had 36 egg hunters come out for the occassion. There were bikes, bunnies, bubbles, chocolate prizes and snacks for those who attended. It starts promptly at 2:00 PM, as the kids get restless and want to start egg hunting!

Miss Rylee grabbing some eggs!

Rylee passed a few on to mommy, gave up on all eggs under the bench and was more interested in opening them. :)

This little girl was on a mission!

Still going!

This girl had her bucket full by the time all the eggs were gone. Note to Mom: Next year, bigger bucket!

Too cute!

Everyone opening eggs, looking for the tickets that says you won a prize!

She made out pretty good!

I love this photo! New furry bunny friend, can't have enough of those!

Getting some cookies after all that running around finding eggs.

Bike winner, Rylee! Her legs need to grow some!

Another bike winner, his legs also need to grow :)


Jabroni, the first swim of the season!

He was in his glory. That's the look of one content Mr. JB!

JB and Izzy watching Hoyt jump off the dock!

We had some nosy neighbors while the pups were swimming.

Good morning! From my deck to your desk top :)

Chicky cake pops! This guy was a flat head, but still tasted delish!

And this guy has one HUGE SCHNAW-ZZZ! :D
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Happy Easter!!